arnie-gotfrydArnie Gotfryd, Ph.D., is an observant Jew, bioscientist, educator and entrepreneur living in Toronto, Canada. He has authored or edited five books and over 300 popular and scholarly articles, has lectured in over 40 cities on four continents, and has been featured on television and radio as well.

His accredited university course on Faith and Science earned him a Templeton Award of Excellence and for many years drew the largest attendance of any course offered at the University of Toronto’s New College in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

His community and social service work has included directing programs for at-risk teens and an international adoption agency which has placed over 300 orphans.

Professionally he directs Maxi Mind Learning Centres, Inc. (, which uses neuroeducation to train attention-challenged children to focus without medication so they can succeed in learning and in life.